European Association of Jewish Choirs

Jewish communities all over the world are strongly connected to each other by their common faith and through the enduring use and love of song.  Since biblical times, music has been integral within Jewish life and culture. Indeed, there is no stronger means to celebrate the Jewish traditions or reflect on Jewish history than through the many types of Jewish choral music, whether Liturgical, Israeli, Yiddish, Ladino, Folk or Secular. 

The European Association of Jewish Choirs (EUAJC) aims to showcase the finest Jewish choirs to wider audiences in Choral Festivals that strive to be rewarding from an educational, cultural and social perspective for the attendees.   

Since 2012, when the first European Jewish Choral Festival was held in London, there have now been further festivals in Vienna (2013), Rome (2014), London (2015), St.Petersburg (2017), Lviv (2018), Ferrara (2019) that have strengthened the collaboration. Our most recent Festival in 2022 was held in Vienna . These events have been successful in bringing together Jewish choirs from all over Europe, as well as the Ukraine, Russia and Israel. 

In 2016, the Vienna Jewish Choir and the Zemel Choir, founder members of EUAJC, performed together in Israel with the Jerusalem Oratorio Chamber Choir. 

Due to the Pandemic, we were unable to hold our annual Festivals in 2020 and 2021. However we are proud to launch a new Virtual Choir video of Itai Daniel's Hevenu Shalom Aleichem showcasing our ongoing collaboration through these difficult times. Over 130 participants from 5 choirs spanning the breadth of Europe took part in this joyous production, which aims to send a message of friendship, hope and peace. Special thanks to Roman Grinberg (Choirmaster - Vienna Jewish Choir) for the video production, and maestros Camilla Di Lorenzo ( Coro Hakol-Rome), Itai Daniel ( Ensemble Choral Copernic-Paris ) Benjamin Wolf ( Zemel Choir - London) and Sasha Somish (Shtrudl-Lviv).

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Also see recoding of latest festival at :